Jurek Pastuszak


Name: Jurek
Age: 37
City: Poznań
Club: TrenerTriathlonu

Who are you?

I am passionate about triathlon. I like long distances. Every day. I work as sales manager. I travel a lot, all over Eastern and Western Europe, which to me is a big challenge. In planning I am the champion. I am a happy husband and father Nicholas (10 years) and Anthony (5 years).

What is your training/competition background?

I started training late, too late, at age 33. I learn everything like a child.

What made you register?

I’ve never been in Sweden. And if I have the opportunity to visit Sweden such a way, it’s a pure pleasure 🙂

What do you long for the most come July 2016 and UltraTri Sweden?

I think it is a mixture all of this things. It’s challenge for my self and that is the most important things for me.